How to add Spotify to OBS or Streamlabs OBS

打開OBS,選擇上方工具,安裝成功會出現Tunasettings。上方標籤切換到Spotify,點選Openloginpage。登入你的Spotify,第一次會要求授權給Tuna,請 ...,IntroducingAmuseby6KLabs✨StandoutfromthecrowdofstreamersbyincorporatingAmuse,theSpotify&YouTubeMusicNowPl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


【心得】在OBS內加入Spotify音樂撥放顯示歌名與播放進度動態來源 ...

打開OBS,選擇上方工具,安裝成功會出現Tuna settings。 上方標籤切換到Spotify,點選Open login page。 登入你的Spotify,第一次會要求授權給Tuna,請 ...

Amuse - Spotify & YouTube Music Now Playing Widget

Introducing Amuse by 6K Labs ✨ Stand out from the crowd of streamers by incorporating Amuse, the Spotify & YouTube Music Now Playing Widget.

spotify on stream

When i try to stream using OBS and have spotify playing it stops after every song. When a song ends i have to go back into the spotify Source and go to ...

Free - Stream Widget for Spotify

A small Tool for Streamers to show the current Track of Spotify to your Viewers! Completly customizable to fit your style.

Easily Display Current Spotify Song in OBS

It lets you display your current Spotify track on OBS. Your viewers can see what song you're currently playing in a clean looking component.

How to stop Spotify from being heard? - obs

My solution would be to use spotify on your phone, send it to the mixer on a channel that you have muted except for the monitor (headphone) output.

How to Add Spotify Music to OBS

Step 1 Launch Spotify Music, go to OBS Studio, and find the + symbol under the Sources section. find obs sources.

How to Setup Spotify Now Playing Overlay in OBS Studio

This is the best way to add Spotify now playing to your stream using OBS Studio to show the song playing on your stream.


last.FM連結: pixel chat連結: 希望各位喜歡我這次的小教學!如果可以請幫我達到20 likes ...

How to Add Spotify Music to OBS Studio (For Beginners)

... Spotify music to OBS Studio so you can stream to Twitch, YouTube, Kick and more for beginners. You can also use this setup for recordings in OBS ...


打開OBS,選擇上方工具,安裝成功會出現Tunasettings。上方標籤切換到Spotify,點選Openloginpage。登入你的Spotify,第一次會要求授權給Tuna,請 ...,IntroducingAmuseby6KLabs✨StandoutfromthecrowdofstreamersbyincorporatingAmuse,theSpotify&YouTubeMusicNowPlayingWidget.,WhenitrytostreamusingOBSandhavespotifyplayingitstopsaftereverysong.WhenasongendsihavetogobackintothespotifySourceandgoto ...,AsmallTo...